
CaraVale (Dublino Giugno 2017)!

Volevo abbracciarte cento volte, e cento volte di piu…
You will find embraces everywhere
I am…
As wide and bright as the Universe
When full with Starlight.
You will find my Heart devoted
To your Heart
When your Heart is beating
As if a thousand Butterflies (so bright!)
Were taking flight
(blue green yellow gold purple violet iridescent searing Turquoise!)
all at once.
You will find where I am
A Crown for your Heart
To wear upon some high Royal Hill
Where Grasses sang green like the Sea
And Magic hid in every Tree.

The Summer came unexpected to Us
Warming us with its Heat
Holding us in its Palm…
Making our Heads spin with Dreams
And our Hearts
Where the River ran
To a Bridge we could or could not Cross.
It would be our Win or our Loss.

Under your Feet and about You
I have Green and Gold for you
And all the Lovely Brightness of Blue…
The Mysterious Magic of each Bright Star
I place upon You
(eyes forehead lips tongue!).
And where your Heart beats
I lay Mine.
So that you will know…
All you need to know.
Il posto piu bello e dove sei tu.
You are the most Beautiful Place to Be.